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This plugin provides four helper functions to use in your blueprints. Whether functions should be registered can be controlled in your config.php.


This helper function works similar to the Kirby built-in attr() function and overwrites it to support Tailwind Merge behaviour for the class attribute.

You'll need to disable the built-in attr() helper at the top-most location in your index.php file - before Kirby is loaded.

define("KIRBY_HELPER_ATTR", false);


// site/snippets/component.php
<div <?= attr(['class' => ['h-full w-full bg-neutral-100', $class], 'data-attr' => 'hello world!']) ?>>[...]</div>

// site/templates/default.php
<?php snippet('component', ['class' => 'w-1/2']) ?>

// output
<div class="w-1/2 h-full bg-neutral-100" data-attr="hello world!">[...]</div>


merge() applies Tailwind Merge behaviour and outputs a class attribute.


// site/snippets/component.php
<div <?= merge('h-full w-full bg-neutral-100', $class) ?>>[...]</div>

// site/templates/default.php
<?php snippet('component', ['class' => 'w-1/2']) ?>

// output
<div class="w-1/2 h-full bg-neutral-100">[...]</div>


cls() applies Tailwind Merge behaviour and outputs the contents of class attribute. This can be used to work better with the conditional merge syntax this plugin provides, and also for nesting.


// site/snippets/blocks/simple-text.php
<div class="<?= cls([
        'py-32' => true,
            'px-16' => $block->type() !== 'simple-text',
            'px-8' => $block->type() === 'centered-text'
        ]) => $page->intendedTemplate() == 'home'
    ]); ?>">[...]</div>

// site/templates/home.php
// output
<div class="px-16 py-32 bg-neutral-white">[...]</div>

// site/templates/article.php
// output
<div class="py-32 bg-neutral-white">[...]</div>

Conditional merging

This conditional merge syntax using arrays can be used with the merge() and attr() functions as well.

<div <?= merge([
        'bg-neutral-white', // always applied if no condition is present
        'py-32' => true, // always applied, because condition is true
        cls([ // this works like an "AND", ANY entries in cls function will only be applied if the condition is true, this results in...
            'px-16' => $block->type() !== 'simple-text', // applied when block type is not 'simple-text', but intendedTemplate is 'home'
            'px-8' => $block->type() === 'centered-text' // applied when block type is 'centered-text' and intendedTemplate is 'home', also replaces 'px-16' from above
        ]) => $page->intendedTemplate() == 'home' // "parent" AND condition
    ]) ?>>[...]</div>

mod($modifier, $classes)

mod() applies the specified modifier/variant to each class supplied in the $class string. It also applies Tailwind Merge behaviour and outputs the contents of class attribute. This is useful when you have a bunch of classes and want them all to activate at the same modifier.


<div class="flex mb-4 <?= mod('lg', 'mb-2 flex-col') ?>">[...]</div>

// output
<div class="flex mb-4 lg:mb-2 lg:flex-col">[...]</div>

"But Tailwind won't parse my classes then!"

I hear you, but thankfully Tailwind allows us to customize the parser to our needs. This is not a 100% perfect technique due to being reliant on regexing' the classes, but it works for most cases.

With a custom transformer function to scan for the mod() function, your tailwind.config.js could look like this:

module.exports = {
  content: {
    files: ["./site/**/*.php", "./src/index.js"],
    transform: (code) => {
      const variantGroupsRegex = /mod\(.([^,"']+)[^\[]+["'](.+)["']\)/g
      const variantGroupMatches = [...code.matchAll(variantGroupsRegex)]

      variantGroupMatches.forEach(([matchStr, variants, classes]) => {
        const parsedClasses = classes
          .split(" ")
          .map((cls) => `${variants}:${cls}`)
          .join(" ")

        code = code.replaceAll(matchStr, parsedClasses)

      return code
  theme: {
    extend: {}
  plugins: []

For simplicity in parsing the function with Tailwind, the mod() function doesn't support arrays. With this approach, you're also not aple to e.g. use a variable inside the function, but only direct strings.

If you still want to use variables, that e.g. come from the CMS directly, you can add the generated classes to your safelist and they'll be generated to matter what.