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DreamForm utilizes custom hooks to allow you to add your own functions when certain events happen. You can read more about hooks in the Kirby documentation.

However, even if hooks are available in DreamForm, it's recommended to use custom fields, actions & guards to extend DreamForm instead. Hooks should be a last resort if you can't achieve what you want with the available options.


This hook is called before a form submission is processed.

return [
  'hooks' => [
    'dreamform.upload:before' => function (\tobimori\DreamForm\Models\SubmissionPage $submission, \tobimori\DreamForm\Models\FormPage $form) {
      // your code goes here


This hook is called after a form submission has been processed.

return [
  'hooks' => [
    'dreamform.upload:after' => function (\tobimori\DreamForm\Models\SubmissionPage $submission, \tobimori\DreamForm\Models\FormPage $form) {
      // your code goes here


This hook is called before any file from a file upload field is processed.

return [
  'hooks' => [
    'dreamform.upload:before' => function (array $file, \tobimori\DreamForm\Fields\FileUploadField $field) {
      // your code goes here

The $file array consists of the same content you'd receive from the PHP $_FILES array

  "name" => "MyFile.jpg",
  "type" => "image/jpeg",
  "tmp_name" => "/tmp/php/php6hst32",
  "error" => UPLOAD_ERR_OK,
  "size" => 98174


This hook is called after any file from a file upload field has been processed and is created as a file of the submission page.

return [
  'hooks' => [
    'dreamform.upload:after' => function (\Kirby\Cms\File $file, \tobimori\DreamForm\Fields\FileUploadField $field) {
      // your code goes here